Building governance and control frameworks to manage new utility engagement

We provided clarity, increased efficiency and enabled effective audit and compliance

Migrating data, people and processes to a new utility can introduce efficiencies and reduce costs. But it may also result in the loss of critical knowledge.

The challenge

Our client, a tier 1 bank, introduced a four-phase incremental migration to a new utility to reduce disruption and minimise the risk of losing knowledge. As part of the process, they required a new approach to the management and control of processes, and a new governance framework to better manage issues and incidents when they arise.

The bank had initiated a number of activities to document processes and tasks but had struggled to consolidate the huge amount of data into a single view for the utility.

Our approach

With a large organisational restructure and the movement of valuable information and personnel, experience is everything. We only place people who have worked through similar projects into our clients’ offices.

Our team divided around tasks and created both governance and control work-streams. We ran intensive workshops to understand the client’s needs and the demands the expected to be placed on the new frameworks.

Our governance framework introduced new forums. These ran on a regular basis and integrated with existing forums, so that all relevant issues, discussions and escalations could be defined for all parties.

Our control framework provided a single view of services, inherent risks, controls and metrics to oversee the activities in the new engagement.

Our impact

We successfully designed and implemented new governance and control frameworks that gave the new utility a single platform from which to oversee operations.

The new structures created greater clarity and delivered extra detail for all parties. What’s more, they robust and could be used for all future migrations and new utility engagements.

Crucially, the design of the new framework enabled the bank to conduct internal audits with greater efficiency and fulfill their compliance obligations.

Note: This case study was first published by Catalyst prior to the Sionic merger

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